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The Deadly Sins of Style… and How to Fix Them (I) | Men’s Clothing Style Guides

The Deadly Sins of Style | Men’s Clothing Style Guides

People make a snap  decision about you.
The  greatest  men  in  history  knew  this,  and  from  Twain  to  Gandhi,  Churchill  to  Reagan, they used their personal presentation to set the stage for their message.
Too  many  men  fail  to  understand  that  how they look is how they are perceived by  others; and how we are perceived by others can have a huge effect on how successful we are at work, at home, and in life.
If you look incompetent, you will be treated as incompetent and face an uphill battle changing minds.
If, however, you appear to be on top of your game, people will assume you are an A level player.

Dressing  smart  doesn’t  make  you  intelligent,  but  it  does  give  you  the  benefit  of  people assuming you are.
I wrote this article to stress the importance of paying attention to your appearance, and how a man can transform his appearance for the better.
With that, I present to you the seven deadly sins of men’s style. I hope it creates in you  a  hunger  to  dress  sharp  and  become  the  man  you  know  yourself  to  be.

Dressing well isn’t rocket science, so why does it get written about so much?
The simple answer is that it’s easy to keep creating content (and fashions for people to buy) as long as you write about the very specific things that people should be doing right this moment to look better.
The purpose of this guide is to get away from that fashion-chasing mentality and lay out the things that will always be the wrong choice.
Our goal is to provide you a comprehensive guide on how to avoid looking bad instead of yet another guide on a single new look or strategy.
Without  beating  around  the  bush,  we’ve  broken down seven basic mistakes  that most men are guilty of at least once or twice in their life:

Sin #1 – Bad Fit 
Most  men  don’t  realize  it,  but  the  way  their  clothes  hang  on  their  body  is  actually the most defining aspect of their appearance.

Sin #2 – Not Dressing for the Occasion 
An  over-  or  under-dressed  man  makes  everyone  around  him  feel  a  little  awkward. Know what you’re getting into at various social and business events, and know how to dress for every level of formality.

Sin #3 – Mismatching Patterns 
Patterns  that  don’t  go  well  together  jar  the  eye.  Wearing  nothing  but  solid  colors is boring. Learn how to avoid both!

Sin #4 – Mismatching Color 
Forget  “honey,  does  this  tie  go  with…”  Know  what’s  just  not  going  to  work,  avoid it, and get on with your life.

Sin #5 – Dressing Your Body Inappropriately 
Some “looks” work well on certain body types, but seem ridiculous on others.   Don’t be tempted into a bad style just because it happens to be trendy – you’ve got to know your limits.

Sin #6 – Choosing Quantity over Quality 
A wardrobe stuffed full of bad clothes is no substitute for even a lean closet of garments that make you look like a million bucks.
Be strategic with your purchases, and know the quality of what you’re buying.

Sin #7 – Getting the Details Wrong 
A well-chosen outfit can be marred – or improved – by details as small as the cufflinks or the pocket square.
Know what details people are going to care about, and how to get them right.


Knowing  and  avoiding  these  “Seven Deadly Sins” of menswear is the fastest  way to look sharp every time you step out the door.
It won’t matter if you’ve bought the latest fashion because your wardrobe is based on the timeless rules of menswear – the classic style that’s endured.
You’ll also wind up saving money by relying on pieces of clothing that last for years and serve equally well in different outfits and combinations rather than buying a single article for every occasion.
Of course, there’s an ethos that says men shouldn’t worry about dress at all.
We should be judged solely on our merits and not our appearance.

It’s  a  nice  idea,  but  scientifically  unsound  – the human brain makes most of  its judgments visually.
We  form  our  impression  of  people  within  a  few  seconds  of  meeting  them.  Later interactions might change that impression, but the brain will continue thinking that a quality dresser is a quality person.

Other  men  prefer  to  look  at  dressing  well  as  an  act  of  personal  transformation: I wear the clothes of the powerful, therefore I become the powerful.

Or you might choose a style that looks more responsible, or older, or younger, or  more  relaxed,  or  more  artistic  –  the point is that looking a particular way  will help you to feel that way as well.
And  looking  good  will  always  translate  to  feeling  good.  It’s  one  of  those  lessons that you can’t teach someone until they try it for themselves, so just give it a shot and see what we mean.
Perhaps most importantly, dressing well is a habit that makes you a cleverer, more observant human being, to say nothing of a more diligent one.
The  self-discipline  it  takes  to  iron  your  own  shirts  when  they  start  getting  wrinkled is the same mental skill that gets you to put in those extra, boss-impressing  (or  subordinate-inspiring)  fifteen  minutes before and after  work.

Thinking about your clothing first thing in the morning wakes you up and puts your brain in high gear before you get out the door.
Once fine clothing becomes a habit of thought, you begin to notice it in other men as well.
Be  confident  that  others  will  notice  as  well  –  once  you’ve  mastered  the  well-chosen jacket and the perfect tie, you’ve entered into a brotherhood with  signs  and  symbols  as  recognizable  as  the  Masons’,  and  you’ll  be  surprised how many other dapper chaps you find yourself exchanging knowing nods with on the street.
Of  course, joining that fraternity does require a touch of foreknowledge and  preparation, and this guide provides the basic information you need to get started as a well-dressed man.
By avoiding the fundamental “Deadly Sins” of menswear, you’ll be able to craft a look that’s sharper and more consistent than the trend-driven approach to fashion.


This is just the ​beginning of your style journey? Stay connected for the upcoming articles.

Please  note  that  much  of  this  publication  is  based  on  personal  experience  and anecdotal evidence.  
Although  the  author  and  publisher  have  made  every  reasonable  attempt  to  achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.  
Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. 
Your  particular  situation  may  not  be  exactly  suited  to  the  examples  illustrated here; in fact, it’s likely that they won’t be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.
Finally,  use  your  head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common  sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader.  
So have fun and learn to dress sharp! 

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